so i have been neglecting the blog lately...and not for lack of things going on...but just because i haven't really much felt like writing things...just because it felt like too much of a chore to put down my book (fiction not text) or magazine....(mostly food and running/tri)....but here we are at the last day of the year and the mandatory end of year post is here...
this year was so fast i can't even believe it...part of that had to do with the full year of school including two sessions of summer school that were just madness with no break...i learned a ton... and made university honors in every semester so far that i have been at in to the internship program through UT that i really wanted...20 were accepted out of the 160 that was good this year...
tri and running stuff also was good...hit PRs in everything that i did this year...but was short of goal times in 70.3 and marathon...but that being said...this was only my second tri season and second attempt at the marathon distance...while not hitting goals is disappointing no matter how much you PR i still had great GREAT experiences vineman 70.3 in CA was awesome...minus the 10 minute halt of racing due to a tree falling on an athlete about 8 miles in on the bike was amazingly beautiful...and j and i getting to have dinner at the French Laundry after the race was a dream come true...(minus the overwhelming service it was perfect)...running the Chicago marathon with my cousin somewhere in that HUGE pack of runners with most of my mom's side of the family watching was also amazing....and making a goal for 2010 to get all of the fam at MCM was awesome to run with that many people no matter that i didn't hit my time...
j of course has done amazing things this year...too many for me to name them here but a reprint of one book and 2nd edition of that one and a new book a million speaking engagements, conferences, travel and article publications along with editing a magazine...oh yeah and his full time job...he is utterly amazing...not only is he wicked smart and does all this stuff in his field...he rarely complains that i get up every weekend (well, and week day morning) well before sunrise to run bike swim etc...
if one thing could happen in 2010 it would be for things to slow down a little...i never knew that time could feel so is amazing...
lots of goals for racing to come...the big ones include IMCdA and MCM with lots of prep racing in between...course work will finish in 2010 as well...leaving just my internship and RD that will be a nice accomplishment too...
this down time for break has been really great and i hope to try and include more break time in the year to is amazing what some sleep and lack of deadlines's nice...
well happy 2010 to you all...may it be filled with lots of love and laughter and joy :D
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
lab results
i have been posting a lot of food these days...and thanks to logan's whining i'm giving you a non food post...that is until there..
had to go to the doctor just to get a check up, do some blood work and get my vaccinations started for my internship...i need one series that takes 6 months to complete so i thought i might as well start them now...
didn't like the place i had been going so i went to texas sports and family a very good doctor experience...about a 30 second wait in the totally empty waiting room (as compared to a full waiting room of people coughing on me...and waiting 45 minutes) very nice nurses and doctors...and best of all (well after two shots uhm ouch...and blood taken) i got my lab results the next day...i am very happy with my cholesterol levels and everything else looks great too...sometimes it is just nice to know that the things i have been doing for my body pay off...
what is also really nice is that after i got the call they put my labs in the mail to me...i got them today...and i think it is so cool that i know how to read them...i learned this stuff in some of my classes...and wow...i remember and know what all these lines mean...makes me smile...
what also makes me smile is that i had my very last biochem class today...and other than the final i am fully done with all of my hard science...i have learned a lot...and finally feel like i am using my brain properly...and feel very accomplished....especially with this i get tomorrow to play then it's study hard for a week with one final wednesday and one next saturday....i think i can manage...though it's hard to believe that i am actually going to get a break soon...and well...going to take full advantage of my vacation time...i hope :D
had to go to the doctor just to get a check up, do some blood work and get my vaccinations started for my internship...i need one series that takes 6 months to complete so i thought i might as well start them now...
didn't like the place i had been going so i went to texas sports and family a very good doctor experience...about a 30 second wait in the totally empty waiting room (as compared to a full waiting room of people coughing on me...and waiting 45 minutes) very nice nurses and doctors...and best of all (well after two shots uhm ouch...and blood taken) i got my lab results the next day...i am very happy with my cholesterol levels and everything else looks great too...sometimes it is just nice to know that the things i have been doing for my body pay off...
what is also really nice is that after i got the call they put my labs in the mail to me...i got them today...and i think it is so cool that i know how to read them...i learned this stuff in some of my classes...and wow...i remember and know what all these lines mean...makes me smile...
what also makes me smile is that i had my very last biochem class today...and other than the final i am fully done with all of my hard science...i have learned a lot...and finally feel like i am using my brain properly...and feel very accomplished....especially with this i get tomorrow to play then it's study hard for a week with one final wednesday and one next saturday....i think i can manage...though it's hard to believe that i am actually going to get a break soon...and well...going to take full advantage of my vacation time...i hope :D
Friday, November 27, 2009
Day 5: T-Day
started in the am with the traditional cran/orange muffins...then turkey and all the other stuff...which i don't even want to recall at the moment...i get (and am) full just thinking about it...
all outsourced tasks...soup, salad, pie and wine....were all amazing...i am very pleased with the cooking and wine picking out skills of my friends...
totally hilarious conversation about duck bill platypus...and kangaroo anatomy...and lessons in the pronunciation of aluminum...
great food, great time, great friends new and old...
and we had a the fire pit after dinner...i have no pictures of that to share...but it was warm and delightful
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Day 4
not too much to prep on wednesday...but i thought the naked bread was funny...cutting all the crusts off for the stuffing...and the cubes in a big bowl...turkey brine in a cooler with ice :) and a pie that i am hoping is really yummy...working on developing this recipe...we will see if anyone can tell the difference...i _might_ share the recipe...maybe...
thursday is the big day...eek! so exciting!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Day 3
today it's bread and getting the brine ingredients measured and the sweet potato mashed for the biscuits...and cleaning the house...finally a clean house...with clean has been way too long :)
my mom and i always talk about how when you are baking for just you and your buddy you can come out with an absolutely perfect pie...go and make the same thing for a dinner party and your crust cracks and the pie leaks all over the oven...this can apply to bread too...and this time...i am happy to say was not the case with my bread today...i cracked open the one that was smallest just to make sure it was acceptable...and if i do say so this is some darn good bread...and i could tell when i made it...the starter had never looked better....the stuffing (dressing whatever you want to call it) is going to be really good this year...i have a feeling
Monday, November 23, 2009
thanksgiving cooking day 2
day one consisted of a huge pot of chicken broth and feeding starter...and day 1.5 was the chicken broth reduction and more starter feeding....1.75...starter we got down to the heart of some things...cranberries x the traditional (in my house) cran/orange relish...and a new favorite cranberry ginger sauce...a cooked version....just as delicious on yogurt as it is on turkey...compound butter of sage, thyme and rosemary as well as beurre thicken the gravy...and of course...the bird came home today making it impossible to rest the 4 loaves of bread in the fridge overnight...but thanks to my tetris playing days it all fits...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
dear alton brown....
dear alton brown....
can i be you when i grow up..or maybe even just work as a "kitchen researcher"...i work really hard...and love food..and food science...and i sometimes...just go to the grocery store just to look...and a lot of the time i pick recipes that look really hard just because i think it's fun when recipes take multiple days to cook...and multiple set ups and more hands than i have...and words that only people who dig food would know...
anyway, i just wanted you to know that i really (even though i don't have cable...and well i don't really watch your show all that much because i don't have a lot of time...but when i do...i am all over those youtube episodes) love your show...and find that you are one of the only "modern" tv chefs that i can deal with...having grown up on Jacques and Julia...they taught me to cook...and now are something that is hard to explain...peas in a pod you and me our love of good solid tasty food...that is not pretentious...just really about fresh and and me are a lot a like i think...i think we would get along...something of that nature...
just wanted to let you know...
can i be you when i grow up..or maybe even just work as a "kitchen researcher"...i work really hard...and love food..and food science...and i sometimes...just go to the grocery store just to look...and a lot of the time i pick recipes that look really hard just because i think it's fun when recipes take multiple days to cook...and multiple set ups and more hands than i have...and words that only people who dig food would know...
anyway, i just wanted you to know that i really (even though i don't have cable...and well i don't really watch your show all that much because i don't have a lot of time...but when i do...i am all over those youtube episodes) love your show...and find that you are one of the only "modern" tv chefs that i can deal with...having grown up on Jacques and Julia...they taught me to cook...and now are something that is hard to explain...peas in a pod you and me our love of good solid tasty food...that is not pretentious...just really about fresh and and me are a lot a like i think...i think we would get along...something of that nature...
just wanted to let you know...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
hip openers...
i need to be doing hip opening yoga a lot more than i every day...and should get a hip opener massage too...katie and i will discuss this monday...maybe i won't feel so tight if i do...guh...if it's not one's a million others...wish my body would cooperate
edit: half happy baby=good pose
edit: half happy baby=good pose
Sunday, November 8, 2009
uhm what happened to this year
it is hard to believe that it's the second week in november...and i just ordered my turkey for thanksgiving and bought plane tickets for christmas break...and hard to believe that just a year ago i was getting ready to head out to arizona to compete in my first
this week was pretty mellow...not too much school stress (a welcome break) and not training for anything in particular so i'm just going to workouts when i want...
though i found out that the nagging in my foot turned out to be a sprained ligament...which i did stepping off a stone on my front's mild...and phil the pt guru is ok if i run short three times a week...did that on thursday and it didn't feel all that i'm going to wait to do more running until i get it this gives me real reason to take it easy...and focus on my bike and swim...
made it to my first spin and first long ride in was beautiful out on saturday and i tried to hammer the 32 miles...could feel the burn on some of the hills out on bee caves...and it was nice to be back on the bike...i love my bike...
also got to swim friday morning with ETG...a birthday swim for her...and i got to draft off her...and get back in barton springs...always nice there...and with day light is light for part of the swim!
so since i procrastinated on my homework yesterday i must get back at it today...coming in to the home stretch here...and am getting really excited about that december break :)
this week was pretty mellow...not too much school stress (a welcome break) and not training for anything in particular so i'm just going to workouts when i want...
though i found out that the nagging in my foot turned out to be a sprained ligament...which i did stepping off a stone on my front's mild...and phil the pt guru is ok if i run short three times a week...did that on thursday and it didn't feel all that i'm going to wait to do more running until i get it this gives me real reason to take it easy...and focus on my bike and swim...
made it to my first spin and first long ride in was beautiful out on saturday and i tried to hammer the 32 miles...could feel the burn on some of the hills out on bee caves...and it was nice to be back on the bike...i love my bike...
also got to swim friday morning with ETG...a birthday swim for her...and i got to draft off her...and get back in barton springs...always nice there...and with day light is light for part of the swim!
so since i procrastinated on my homework yesterday i must get back at it today...coming in to the home stretch here...and am getting really excited about that december break :)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
the week in review
after taking two weeks totally off from working out and not doing a thing but catching up with j and doing homework this week was getting back to business...i have made some goals...and decided a few things about training that i would like to do...
-increase running mileage...i think i just need to have more miles on my legs to feel strong at the finish...and to push like i want to push at the end of a race
-i'm going to run the marine corps marathon next october with my cousin... :) i think this means we are going to run a marathon a year and make our families come
-i'm going to run the austin half in february
-work on sport and me specific strength training...hip flexers...glutes...etc
-get back in the pool
so i am figuring out how i am going to do all of this but i started small but started so that is a good monday, core tuesday and thursday, a spin on wednesday and...ran saturday...the first run since chicago...short and sweet and totally awkward...but good none the less...and i ran again today...7 on the trail with some t3 peeps...tried to keep it brisk...felt great for most of it...tried to push a bit more on the last mile...and didn't have it...grr...need to do something about that...
other good stuff this week...i got into my internship program...had a nice meeting with my boss :)...went to see st. andrew's production of les was awesome...and i have had songs from it stuck in my head all week...
got a 92 on my biochem test...rocked it out...average was 72...i am _very_ excited about this...did a little dance when i saw that one!
had a great dinner to celebrate my internship program at enoteca with j and jennifer...and i got a cupcake (finally my post race cupcake!) which also signifies my return to proper nutrition post race...
still need to schedule my cooking time with amy...
and even started thinking about thanksgiving menu ideas...
lovely weekend...good end to a good me some friends, family and this gorgeous weather...
-increase running mileage...i think i just need to have more miles on my legs to feel strong at the finish...and to push like i want to push at the end of a race
-i'm going to run the marine corps marathon next october with my cousin... :) i think this means we are going to run a marathon a year and make our families come
-i'm going to run the austin half in february
-work on sport and me specific strength training...hip flexers...glutes...etc
-get back in the pool
so i am figuring out how i am going to do all of this but i started small but started so that is a good monday, core tuesday and thursday, a spin on wednesday and...ran saturday...the first run since chicago...short and sweet and totally awkward...but good none the less...and i ran again today...7 on the trail with some t3 peeps...tried to keep it brisk...felt great for most of it...tried to push a bit more on the last mile...and didn't have it...grr...need to do something about that...
other good stuff this week...i got into my internship program...had a nice meeting with my boss :)...went to see st. andrew's production of les was awesome...and i have had songs from it stuck in my head all week...
got a 92 on my biochem test...rocked it out...average was 72...i am _very_ excited about this...did a little dance when i saw that one!
had a great dinner to celebrate my internship program at enoteca with j and jennifer...and i got a cupcake (finally my post race cupcake!) which also signifies my return to proper nutrition post race...
still need to schedule my cooking time with amy...
and even started thinking about thanksgiving menu ideas...
lovely weekend...good end to a good me some friends, family and this gorgeous weather...
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Rest is something that has not been in my vocabulary since post IMAZ last November...and at the's my new favorite word...besides my forced time off last january from overuse injury...i have been training for something non stop...and i am really happy to say i have done nothing more difficult than ride my mtn. bike around my neighborhood and to school and back...and nothing that resembles a workout since running has been really nice...i still feel some funky build up in my legs like when i stretch they are on the verge of cramping...but don' i'm not pushing my self to get back into a schedule quite yet...
it has been nice to not drive around to workouts after i get done with class for the day...somehow this always stresses me am i going to get to spin and get my trainer set up blah blah before the workout starts...yeah it bugs not feeling that has been really really nice...guess i need that mental break makes my homework all seem that much more manageable when i am not training 18 hours a week...hmm funny how that works...
i have been cooking a bunch and well i love that so it has been great...indian lentils with butternut squash, 8 grain bread, spaghetti squash topped with marinara and baked (yum!), banana muffins, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, pasta with arugula, chicken, mushrooms and caramelized onions...yeah i have been having fun...
so this coming week i think i will pick some workouts and go to them...or not go to them if i don't want to...nice to have that option...and i will figure out my off season...register for classes...and hopefully find out about my internship (still holding out hope that it comes in the mail today)...and continue to embrace the rest
it has been nice to not drive around to workouts after i get done with class for the day...somehow this always stresses me am i going to get to spin and get my trainer set up blah blah before the workout starts...yeah it bugs not feeling that has been really really nice...guess i need that mental break makes my homework all seem that much more manageable when i am not training 18 hours a week...hmm funny how that works...
i have been cooking a bunch and well i love that so it has been great...indian lentils with butternut squash, 8 grain bread, spaghetti squash topped with marinara and baked (yum!), banana muffins, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, pasta with arugula, chicken, mushrooms and caramelized onions...yeah i have been having fun...
so this coming week i think i will pick some workouts and go to them...or not go to them if i don't want to...nice to have that option...and i will figure out my off season...register for classes...and hopefully find out about my internship (still holding out hope that it comes in the mail today)...and continue to embrace the rest
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Chicago Marathon...race report/race weekend
I arrived in Chicago on friday after flight...then hopped on the L to get to my hotel downtown...i love the train...really love was easy to get to and fun to ride...and surprisingly empty at 5pm on a friday...hopped off at state/lake and walked the three blocks to my hotel...i had been texting with my cousin and we had planned to meet up to head to the expo after i dropped my bags at the hotel...
did just that...met at niketown on michigan ave...THE michigan ave... :) and hopped on a shuttle to the convention center where the expo was, huge expo...never have i seen one that big...we grabbed our packets and shirts and walked around to get our fair share of free stuff...some free silk milk and greek yogurt...
my cousin found a sweet marathon fleece...i found a "will run for wine" t-shirt :)
back on the bus...and out to rosebuds for some wine and pasta...had a really fun dinner with jennifer and j.r....then it was off to bed...
my folks arrived in the morning on saturday...had a nice breakfast with them...then me, mom, dad, my cousin, his wife and my uncle all headed down to the race start to check things out...that is where the mandatory pre-race meltdown was totally overwhelming...imagine the biggest race you have been in (besides ny) and times it at least by corrals for like a mile and a half...just and coach amy (from afar) helped me pull it together...but still a little freaked out...but i guess that is part of the is a part that i need to get better at handling...not too sure how but we will try the next time around...
back to the hotel to do some homework...i had a huge project due tuesday at 8am that i needed to work i grabbed in and went to hang out with my folks...watched some golf, chatted and got some work done...totally the afternoon i needed to help my head...
saturday evening was a big family dinner at this really delicious italian to see a bunch of family i have not seen in a long time...and got to see a few famous chicago spots on the walk there and back to the hotel...(there was a long line for rick bayless' restaurant at to see)...hung out a bit with the fam at the hotel then off to bed by 9
slept ok but not great that night...lots of noise outside (everyone noticed that it was loud out there...of all the nights!) up at not to freak out...child's pose for a bit to breathe and calm myself down...then dressed and down to the just so happened to be 32 degrees...i have not been near temps like that since last January...yeah...i had on a lot of layers...
mom dad and i walked down to the race start...about a mile away...there were lots of other runners doing the same thing...starting to get exciting...hit the port-o-potties a couple times on the way lines...still clean...was hoping to find a good spot in the corral where my folks could be close by...i wanted to keep my clothes on as long as possible...didn't want to spend my energy shivering...found a perfect spot...i could sit on the and dad could be on the fence next to me...worked out great...hung out there for a bit...they made the announcement that the corrals were closing...we were getting close..shed some layers...tossed them to mom and dad...corrals closed...shed more layers...then people started hopping the fence...scaling a 6 foot chain link fence to get into the starting corral...because they were was totally bizarre...not just one or two least 15 or 20 right where we were regard for the people around them...weird...
shed the last of my layers and started to move towards the center of the corral...looking for some pacers...never found the signs...just the pace numbers on the backs of people...chatted with two girls next to me...glanced to my left...the guy next to me was going to the bathroom...right there...eww...national anthem...start of the wheelchair division...i was shivering...nervous, cold and excited...then we started moving...actually jogging...3/4 of the way up to the start line...then stopped...all the while dodging piles of clothing...shed my last layer...was down to shorts/t-shirt/gloves and regular hat...(turned out to be a perfect choice)...and we were off...
like usual...people were running like crazy out of the start...the whole going out too fast thing...will get you every felt weird to be running in this huge crowd of people alone...i wasn't running with a friend or a group from my cousin was out there somewhere...and a few other folks i knew...but really it was just me out there running my race...and i was ok with that...
it felt really good to just finally start is the anticipation of the run or the race that kills me...thankfully i was just running...and that i did...i started with my gel flask and a little 8oz bottle of water so i could avoid the first few water stops...that worked well...
the crowds were amazing...the crowds of runners...where we had to shuffle around corners just because it was packed with people...the crowds on the sides of the streets three and four deep in most places...and the sights of really all of chicago...i was having fun...and so far running well...
i had planned on 8.40/high 8.30s for the first few miles just because of the people...i knew it would be tough to settle into my pace in these miles...and i did what i set out to do...though it was hard to see mile markers in the first few...i saw 2k split my watch and saw i was on target...after that i tried to settle in on 8.35s and take that through the half...the sun was shining and i was running well...saw my fam at mile 1...and then my folks somewhere about mile 12...still feeling good...hit the half at 1.52...right on it was time to think about picking it up...and for some reason (looking at my results) this is the 5k that i slowed down? really not sure what was happening...i was not feeling bad at this point...i remember some rollers...but nothing major...lots of people...just running...but not fast enough (as i see my splits)...maybe i was happy with the half numbers and relaxed a little too much...hmm...don't know...
i started thinking pretty intently at this point about how i could make my goal time...i was trying to find 3.40 pacers and stick with them...but i never found the big group of them...i was stuck around the 3.50 the 30k point i was able to pass them and that felt like a real mental breaktrough...i was excited...i was going to keep picking it up...and i was going to catch my pacers...then...well...i had to hit the bathroom...this was a huge blow...when i got out...i was again behind the 3.50 crowd...and couldn't get around them...grr...
hit 35k and realized (i think i knew it before this point but this is when i let myself realize quads were pretty cramp-y...i had taken some salt tabs...but was not convinced that was going to help) i couldn't hit my goal i decided to just the best i could at that point...try to finish strong...and end up where i would end up...
ditched my gel flask at this point...somewhere around 38k and just ran...tried to enjoy what was around me...and kept saying it will hurt less if you run faster...i would for a bit then i would slow will hurt less if you run faster...pick up...then back down again...was feeling slow at this point...feeling like there were a lot of people passing me...frustrated...but still happy to be almost there...almost done with my second marathon...saw a 3.40 pacer run by somewhere around here...she was hauling...there was no way i could have kept up with that...just kept running...trying to keep the quads in line...
even though i was getting passed by a lot of people i was happy that i was still moving...there were a lot of people on the side of the road stretching, walking trying to move...but just not able to...i was still moving...and kept that up...
so i was looking at the bright side during that last was a total straight shot at this point...i was still running...and i was about to complete the chicago was kind of nice to be able to get over my not hitting my goal time even before i was done running...or at least i was hoping that this was the case
turned a corner at mile 26...and there was a hill...i just was a bridge overpass...but totally funny to run an almost completely flat course...and have a "hill" at mile 26...cruel...smiled and ran that last .2 to the is nice to finish with a smile...
did just that...met at niketown on michigan ave...THE michigan ave... :) and hopped on a shuttle to the convention center where the expo was, huge expo...never have i seen one that big...we grabbed our packets and shirts and walked around to get our fair share of free stuff...some free silk milk and greek yogurt...
my cousin found a sweet marathon fleece...i found a "will run for wine" t-shirt :)
back on the bus...and out to rosebuds for some wine and pasta...had a really fun dinner with jennifer and j.r....then it was off to bed...
my folks arrived in the morning on saturday...had a nice breakfast with them...then me, mom, dad, my cousin, his wife and my uncle all headed down to the race start to check things out...that is where the mandatory pre-race meltdown was totally overwhelming...imagine the biggest race you have been in (besides ny) and times it at least by corrals for like a mile and a half...just and coach amy (from afar) helped me pull it together...but still a little freaked out...but i guess that is part of the is a part that i need to get better at handling...not too sure how but we will try the next time around...
back to the hotel to do some homework...i had a huge project due tuesday at 8am that i needed to work i grabbed in and went to hang out with my folks...watched some golf, chatted and got some work done...totally the afternoon i needed to help my head...
saturday evening was a big family dinner at this really delicious italian to see a bunch of family i have not seen in a long time...and got to see a few famous chicago spots on the walk there and back to the hotel...(there was a long line for rick bayless' restaurant at to see)...hung out a bit with the fam at the hotel then off to bed by 9
slept ok but not great that night...lots of noise outside (everyone noticed that it was loud out there...of all the nights!) up at not to freak out...child's pose for a bit to breathe and calm myself down...then dressed and down to the just so happened to be 32 degrees...i have not been near temps like that since last January...yeah...i had on a lot of layers...
mom dad and i walked down to the race start...about a mile away...there were lots of other runners doing the same thing...starting to get exciting...hit the port-o-potties a couple times on the way lines...still clean...was hoping to find a good spot in the corral where my folks could be close by...i wanted to keep my clothes on as long as possible...didn't want to spend my energy shivering...found a perfect spot...i could sit on the and dad could be on the fence next to me...worked out great...hung out there for a bit...they made the announcement that the corrals were closing...we were getting close..shed some layers...tossed them to mom and dad...corrals closed...shed more layers...then people started hopping the fence...scaling a 6 foot chain link fence to get into the starting corral...because they were was totally bizarre...not just one or two least 15 or 20 right where we were regard for the people around them...weird...
shed the last of my layers and started to move towards the center of the corral...looking for some pacers...never found the signs...just the pace numbers on the backs of people...chatted with two girls next to me...glanced to my left...the guy next to me was going to the bathroom...right there...eww...national anthem...start of the wheelchair division...i was shivering...nervous, cold and excited...then we started moving...actually jogging...3/4 of the way up to the start line...then stopped...all the while dodging piles of clothing...shed my last layer...was down to shorts/t-shirt/gloves and regular hat...(turned out to be a perfect choice)...and we were off...
like usual...people were running like crazy out of the start...the whole going out too fast thing...will get you every felt weird to be running in this huge crowd of people alone...i wasn't running with a friend or a group from my cousin was out there somewhere...and a few other folks i knew...but really it was just me out there running my race...and i was ok with that...
it felt really good to just finally start is the anticipation of the run or the race that kills me...thankfully i was just running...and that i did...i started with my gel flask and a little 8oz bottle of water so i could avoid the first few water stops...that worked well...
the crowds were amazing...the crowds of runners...where we had to shuffle around corners just because it was packed with people...the crowds on the sides of the streets three and four deep in most places...and the sights of really all of chicago...i was having fun...and so far running well...
i had planned on 8.40/high 8.30s for the first few miles just because of the people...i knew it would be tough to settle into my pace in these miles...and i did what i set out to do...though it was hard to see mile markers in the first few...i saw 2k split my watch and saw i was on target...after that i tried to settle in on 8.35s and take that through the half...the sun was shining and i was running well...saw my fam at mile 1...and then my folks somewhere about mile 12...still feeling good...hit the half at 1.52...right on it was time to think about picking it up...and for some reason (looking at my results) this is the 5k that i slowed down? really not sure what was happening...i was not feeling bad at this point...i remember some rollers...but nothing major...lots of people...just running...but not fast enough (as i see my splits)...maybe i was happy with the half numbers and relaxed a little too much...hmm...don't know...
i started thinking pretty intently at this point about how i could make my goal time...i was trying to find 3.40 pacers and stick with them...but i never found the big group of them...i was stuck around the 3.50 the 30k point i was able to pass them and that felt like a real mental breaktrough...i was excited...i was going to keep picking it up...and i was going to catch my pacers...then...well...i had to hit the bathroom...this was a huge blow...when i got out...i was again behind the 3.50 crowd...and couldn't get around them...grr...
hit 35k and realized (i think i knew it before this point but this is when i let myself realize quads were pretty cramp-y...i had taken some salt tabs...but was not convinced that was going to help) i couldn't hit my goal i decided to just the best i could at that point...try to finish strong...and end up where i would end up...
ditched my gel flask at this point...somewhere around 38k and just ran...tried to enjoy what was around me...and kept saying it will hurt less if you run faster...i would for a bit then i would slow will hurt less if you run faster...pick up...then back down again...was feeling slow at this point...feeling like there were a lot of people passing me...frustrated...but still happy to be almost there...almost done with my second marathon...saw a 3.40 pacer run by somewhere around here...she was hauling...there was no way i could have kept up with that...just kept running...trying to keep the quads in line...
even though i was getting passed by a lot of people i was happy that i was still moving...there were a lot of people on the side of the road stretching, walking trying to move...but just not able to...i was still moving...and kept that up...
so i was looking at the bright side during that last was a total straight shot at this point...i was still running...and i was about to complete the chicago was kind of nice to be able to get over my not hitting my goal time even before i was done running...or at least i was hoping that this was the case
turned a corner at mile 26...and there was a hill...i just was a bridge overpass...but totally funny to run an almost completely flat course...and have a "hill" at mile 26...cruel...smiled and ran that last .2 to the is nice to finish with a smile...
Monday, October 12, 2009
not what i wanted...but still pretty good...
race report will come later...but here are some stats...
Chicago Marathon 2009
42,000 participants
i finished 9111 over all
i was 2179 in the women
and 469 in my age group
about a nine minute pr
total time 3.52.55
solid...but still room for improvement :)
Chicago Marathon 2009
42,000 participants
i finished 9111 over all
i was 2179 in the women
and 469 in my age group
about a nine minute pr
total time 3.52.55
solid...but still room for improvement :)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Then, you get to run..
If you have been following know that this week has been nothing short of insane...outline for a 15 minutes presentation, purchasing assignment that was way harder and more confusing than it ever should have been, an 8 day breakfast, lunch and dinner menu, a 15 day lunch menu (both menus with two entree options, starches, veggies, desserts add apps to the 8 day too) recipes for all of those items (yes, really) two tests, three quizzes, three...three hour labs...and three lab reports...on top of that an interview for admission in the coordinated program in dietetics at UT...where i will hopefully be doing my RD internship work...
everyone has been super supportive this week...and that friends is much appreciated...but the best was from my mom...we had been e-mailing about my crazy week...and she said something like when all this is over you get to run...yes! i get to run...a lot :D
i'm getting excited now...i think that i am finally seeing the light at the end of this long tunnel of homework...and getting excited about running in Chicago...and getting to see my family too!
now just a biochem test to get out of the way and we are ready to rock that marathon!
everyone has been super supportive this week...and that friends is much appreciated...but the best was from my mom...we had been e-mailing about my crazy week...and she said something like when all this is over you get to run...yes! i get to run...a lot :D
i'm getting excited now...i think that i am finally seeing the light at the end of this long tunnel of homework...and getting excited about running in Chicago...and getting to see my family too!
now just a biochem test to get out of the way and we are ready to rock that marathon!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

today i rescued the hollindaise sauce...we were making different sauces in lab...and then costing them to see if it was cheaper to make or to buy sauces...and a few other items...
my sauce was marinara...well...nothing special about that...but there was a team who was missing a partner and my team was asked to help...she was to make of you who knew me in savannah...i used to make...12-16 pounds of clarified butter in to hollindaise sauce every sunday i have a little experience with this sauce...she...had no clue...
i stepped away to make sure my lab partner had not thrown marinara all over the floor...he had contained himself at this point so that was good...and when i got back the the was broken and well on it's way to being ruined...but alas...super jess to the rescue...used some of my magic techniques and rescued the sauce...boom!...that felt good...chef Sharron would have been proud
Monday, October 5, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
mistaken identity

j thought this was totally hilarious...i'm not so sure but i thought i would post any way....
so the other day about 7.30am i was in my rain jacket (green) and rain pants (black) on my bike on my way to school...on the road between my house and campus a car pulled up next to me and rolled down the window...first i thought they were going to ask me for directions...this has happened big, that was not the is the conversation as best i can remember....
Lady in car: why are you going away?
me: uh what?
lady: why are you riding away from school?
me: uh what do you mean?
lady: don't you go to the middle school down the street? why are you riding away from should be going to school.
me: uh...i go to UT
lady: you don't go to the middle school that is the other way....are you sure you don't go there
me: uh yeah, i go to UT...
lady: (keeps talking then finally says) oh...and drives away
j can't stop laughing ... i'm not sure what i think...i mean...really...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
running in the rain
tonight was track night...and i was totally falling asleep reading biochem right before i left for needless to say i was not feeling super chipper...with the 61 degree weather, overcast and then rainy sky it was more like grab a quilt and curl up on the couch with a movie...but no...i went to run track...when i got there...about 5 minutes before the workout was to start it was just me and coach logan...i didn't think that many people were going to show up and in the end it just turned out to be a half dozen dudes and me...had a good solid workout...ran 2x2x2 (minutes) each one progressively faster...starting a 10k going down...even though my shins hurt (mildly) my glutes are sore (from crab walking at core class) my quad is tight (just cause it wants to be) and i am tired (well cause i do a lot of stuff) i still had a pretty good workout...felt like i could pick it up a bit when i wanted to but also did not have to kill it or rather my body didn't want me to kill it so i didn't
i had been feeling a lack of confidence in my running the past week (thanks ETG for helping me through that!) i seem to get the big dose of self doubt right before i start to taper for a race...i remember feeling this way about 5 weeks out from IMAZ...totally had no confidence that i could actually complete the race let alone make any of the goal times i had written down...well that turned out to be a silly i am hoping that this bout of doubt is the same thing...just a quick ego check to show me that could go either way so you best focus missy...and focus i will...
i have started to write up my race plan...figuring out the details of race weekend and race day nutrition and wondering if there is anyway i can get into the massage tent post race...and hoping to find a super restaurant to share with my family post race...
anyway...we are getting close...and i am getting the hang of my semester...and ducks are in their wee rows...or being herded there...
hopefully two weeks from this sunday...i will be running hard in a little light rain on the streets of the windy city...chanting for the red sox...
i had been feeling a lack of confidence in my running the past week (thanks ETG for helping me through that!) i seem to get the big dose of self doubt right before i start to taper for a race...i remember feeling this way about 5 weeks out from IMAZ...totally had no confidence that i could actually complete the race let alone make any of the goal times i had written down...well that turned out to be a silly i am hoping that this bout of doubt is the same thing...just a quick ego check to show me that could go either way so you best focus missy...and focus i will...
i have started to write up my race plan...figuring out the details of race weekend and race day nutrition and wondering if there is anyway i can get into the massage tent post race...and hoping to find a super restaurant to share with my family post race...
anyway...we are getting close...and i am getting the hang of my semester...and ducks are in their wee rows...or being herded there...
hopefully two weeks from this sunday...i will be running hard in a little light rain on the streets of the windy city...chanting for the red sox...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
i wanted cookies...but it was too late to i made a tiny batch of cookies dough...minus the eggs and baking powder..and well...ate it! don't tell ;o)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
i'm not catholic...but i have a lot of guilt around a lot of if i am working out, or eating/cooking dinner (any meal really), taking a break, watching a show on netflix or something...i'm feeling guilty that i should be studying...i know that one cannot study all hours in a this is not productive...processing must happen at some point...but...i _still_ feel's pesky...
let's take today for example...i was running a bit late after school because i was trying to cram in some studying...because i wasn't studying because i was in class...yes the class that i have a test in that i am studying for (get it??!!) so...i ended up getting home i couldn't get to spin without i got on the trainer and studied...yeah...
made/ate dinner...and took a break for an hour or so to watch a Lost on netflix...yes i am addicted...and never would have expected that i would like that show at all...and well...felt really bad the whole brain saying "uhm you should be studying"...pesky brain...
don't even ask me what it is saying don't want to know :| but hey i thought i should share my guilt :P
let's take today for example...i was running a bit late after school because i was trying to cram in some studying...because i wasn't studying because i was in class...yes the class that i have a test in that i am studying for (get it??!!) so...i ended up getting home i couldn't get to spin without i got on the trainer and studied...yeah...
made/ate dinner...and took a break for an hour or so to watch a Lost on netflix...yes i am addicted...and never would have expected that i would like that show at all...and well...felt really bad the whole brain saying "uhm you should be studying"...pesky brain...
don't even ask me what it is saying don't want to know :| but hey i thought i should share my guilt :P
Saturday, September 5, 2009
random update...
so let's see...things have been happening...but nothing too insane on my end of things...just plugging along moving towards my goals little by little...
school, just finished the first full week...classes seem to be good so service systems management is funny...only because we are learning what i used to do as a job...there are formal terms for things...but generally it makes me laugh to read all about planning menus and food cost analysis...thanks sharron and firefly for preparing me for this class...the lab for it is large scale food production...and some working in the school food service system...sweet!
community nutrition seems cool too...we are going out into the world of austin to volunteer and learn about food insecurity in the area...i volunteered at the east side community connection the other day...a good experience and a learning experience...and if i want to work in community nutrition ever i NEED to learn least i know how to say peanut butter :) feeling for that class is still up in the air...the stuff we are learning i have learned in other classes...maybe not as in depth...but nothing is totally brand new so far...and it seems more conceptual than actual formula based calculations...that i am much better at...
my application for the coordinated program in dietetics is in...and i will be hearing in the next three weeks if i have been selected for an interview/need to get three letters of recommendation and move on to the next step in the selection would be great if that happened...
training is going really well...and i am hoping to keep it that way...just before school started i had a bit of a shin issue...almost exactly what happened when i trained for austin with coach amy @ rogue (hi amy!!!) so i knew to stick to running the trail...writing the alphabet with my toes, icing, rolling, stretching...and massage...and seems to have worked...i have felt nothing this week at all...makes me happy...ran 18 last sunday and doing 20 tomorrow...i think i will feel more prepared after running 20 tomorrow...i am hoping very much that it is a successful run...i need the confidence...since the last 20 miler i did was a long time ago... but i am generally faster than i was (even before vineman) and i am more focused and REALLY want to achieve my goal...not like i have never wanted to achieve any goal i have ever set for my self...i am really hungry for this i was hungry for IMAZ...
what else...lots...but nothing...and that makes me happy...missing the fam...but gearing up to see them in least a partial fam...thinking about finally having a little vacation between semesters...we will see...but for now...wish me luck on my run tomorrow...
school, just finished the first full week...classes seem to be good so service systems management is funny...only because we are learning what i used to do as a job...there are formal terms for things...but generally it makes me laugh to read all about planning menus and food cost analysis...thanks sharron and firefly for preparing me for this class...the lab for it is large scale food production...and some working in the school food service system...sweet!
community nutrition seems cool too...we are going out into the world of austin to volunteer and learn about food insecurity in the area...i volunteered at the east side community connection the other day...a good experience and a learning experience...and if i want to work in community nutrition ever i NEED to learn least i know how to say peanut butter :) feeling for that class is still up in the air...the stuff we are learning i have learned in other classes...maybe not as in depth...but nothing is totally brand new so far...and it seems more conceptual than actual formula based calculations...that i am much better at...
my application for the coordinated program in dietetics is in...and i will be hearing in the next three weeks if i have been selected for an interview/need to get three letters of recommendation and move on to the next step in the selection would be great if that happened...
training is going really well...and i am hoping to keep it that way...just before school started i had a bit of a shin issue...almost exactly what happened when i trained for austin with coach amy @ rogue (hi amy!!!) so i knew to stick to running the trail...writing the alphabet with my toes, icing, rolling, stretching...and massage...and seems to have worked...i have felt nothing this week at all...makes me happy...ran 18 last sunday and doing 20 tomorrow...i think i will feel more prepared after running 20 tomorrow...i am hoping very much that it is a successful run...i need the confidence...since the last 20 miler i did was a long time ago... but i am generally faster than i was (even before vineman) and i am more focused and REALLY want to achieve my goal...not like i have never wanted to achieve any goal i have ever set for my self...i am really hungry for this i was hungry for IMAZ...
what else...lots...but nothing...and that makes me happy...missing the fam...but gearing up to see them in least a partial fam...thinking about finally having a little vacation between semesters...we will see...but for now...wish me luck on my run tomorrow...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
and now...
 fun 1.5 weeks of summer have come to an abrupt end...though i am hoping this semester is going to be a bit of a break (didn't i say this about my summer classes?!) ok well now i am really hoping this is the case...
so far classes seem good..i am taking
-community nutrition
-food service systems management
-food service systems management lab (the book for this is called "Food for Fifty")
-nutritional sciences lab
i have had the first two on the list so was my first day of food service...8am class...and our professor rolls in with coffee and hot chocolate for the class...and it was good coffee and i heard that the hot chocolate was yummy too...yeah, love nutrition classes
biochem this afternoon...and labs start next least the pace will be a bit slower than the summer and that will be a relief...
i turned in my application for the coordinated program in dietetics today...this program allows me to intern through UT...doing rotations at different spots around town...and getting me prepared for my RD exam...i'm nervous...a lot of people apply...and there are not that many spots...i'm hoping for the best :D
now on to the reading that i have for classes tomorrow...back at it!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
more baking!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Party Cake
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
guess it stuck...
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sweet and Twisted
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

last tuesday night my two mile run off the bike made me feel so out of shape it was sad...i know that technically i am not out of shape but my legs just would not work for turn over...very high knees or looking fast and strong...this week...well....something clicked coming off the bike tonight...i schooled that two miles...and it felt really the moment...i am really liking my new training only lasts 10 weeks...but i like having a different goal...this reminds me how much i love running...and how helpful the swimming and the biking are to keeping my muscles flushed out and strong and ready to run...i have learned that there are things that i need to do to make my body ready to run 5-6 days a week...and i have actually been doing this stuff instead of doing it sometimes...feels good...and works...just a happy post about a happy workout...i will need it to look back on one day (soon) when it did not i'll take it.
Monday, August 10, 2009
when j and i lived in savannah...there was a fancy grocery that had gone in not long before we moved...i loved it there...more central market than whole foods...but it was the first place i could actually find ingredients for some of the more complicated recipes that i was playing around with...good Italian cured meats (for j) artichokes and almond flour for me...
the one thing that totally got me every time i walked in the door was the price of the roses...6.99 a dozen...sometimes 2/$10...i loved having really brightly colored roses on the table...and loved watching them open...some would open beautifully...others would stay tight and just wilt...but it was always fun and always made me smile...i don't miss much about savannah but i missed those cheap roses...
i had to go to HEB on saturday...not my favorite place to get groceries but proximity to other stores made me do it...and at noon on always taught me NOT to go was what needed to be done...i was not having a particularly pleasant time at the store..and i LOVE the grocery when i turned and walked to the checkout past a display of relatively inexpensive roses...well i had to get some...and i am glad that i did...they have made me smile a lot in the few days that i have had them and they have opened so beautifully...
so while the world around me in texas is HOT and roses are reminding me there is a time when it will be cooler...and things will bloom again...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Nutrition Experience
as some of you may know...i'm interning this summer with Meredith...i have gained a lot of knowledge about private practice and what it is like to be an RD...Meredith has also given me the opportunity to do some nutrition writing...and that has been a total blast...i've written a piece or two for her monthly news letter that she sends out to lots and lots of people...and...this is the best...i got to write an article for Austin Runner magazine...and it just came out in this issue...for me this is very exciting...i am getting to write (something i love to do) about something i am really passionate about (nutrition)...and i am really excited that it makes me happy...what all this really means is...i have finally...finally...figured out that i am moving in the right direction by going back to school...and choosing the path of the dietitian...i love this stuff...and am totally jazzed to see it all happen :D wee!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
summer semester wall
so there is the wall in running...i'm not sure i have even encountered it...well maybe a knee high one...but TWICE i have experienced the summer semester wall...
once first session...and's the wall where i want to throw my stuffed animals and stomp around my room in my stripey socks yelling "i don't wanna!!" i know i just need to gather up a little more strength and push through...just two weeks and a day...but at the moment...
i don't wanna!!!
once first session...and's the wall where i want to throw my stuffed animals and stomp around my room in my stripey socks yelling "i don't wanna!!" i know i just need to gather up a little more strength and push through...just two weeks and a day...but at the moment...
i don't wanna!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
on occasion i am able to get together with friends i met my first month in austin at rogue running marathon training...these guys have been so much fun to get to know...and train with and just keep in touch with...even though we are all doing different programs now...triathlon, trail running, road running, having kids etc...there is something that draws us together that i really like...we all trained for our first (ok maybe some not first) marathons together...that is something that i will never forget...a lot was on the edge of change for me at that time...and well i had finally started making decisions to become the person that i wanted to be...i was getting out of a not so great (rather down) spot in life..was moving to a new city and was training for a marathon...these guys mean a lot to me...even if they don't know it...ok they know now :)
...we need to hang out more...and well i need to make time to hang out more with people...i really like being a little social (early in the evening)...
so this evening i had the pleasure of getting together at our sometimes usual hangout...wahoo's fish tacos...yum...good food, beers (for some) and company...conversation is always easy...and well i wish that i didn't need to be studying the kidney tonight...but it makes the time that we do get together even better :)
thanks guys!
...we need to hang out more...and well i need to make time to hang out more with people...i really like being a little social (early in the evening)...
so this evening i had the pleasure of getting together at our sometimes usual hangout...wahoo's fish tacos...yum...good food, beers (for some) and company...conversation is always easy...and well i wish that i didn't need to be studying the kidney tonight...but it makes the time that we do get together even better :)
thanks guys!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
okra association
so j has this funny thing about free association...i will say something or he might...then 10 minutes later he's singing a song...that after a stint of 45 minutes...the same three lines or line starts to get...well...then it goes something like this..
me: OMG!!! stop singing (insert really terrible song here...tonight the theme from Weeds...yeah that song)
j: ok..ok...wait...why am i singing that song
me: because like 45 minutes ago i asked you _____ (something maybe very vaguely connected...tonight it was "can you bring me a box from work")
so long story is my free association for the evening
cutting okra in the kitchen...making okra, zucchini, tomato saute to go with dinner...
me: mmm i love okra
me: yeah me too...maybe we will get more in the farm box this week
me: oh that would be great...we could make gumbo
me: gumbo...we would need file powder...we are out of that
me: yeah and chicken sausage...
me: i wonder what real gumbo tastes like...
me: yeah hard to believe we have never been to NOLA...we should go sometime...
me: yeah and find someone who makes gumbo with out butter or pork products or red meat of any kind..
...insert me day dreaming about driving to NOLA...on a vacation...with time that is not there...yeah so maybe gumbo this it going to be less than 100 degrees??
me: OMG!!! stop singing (insert really terrible song here...tonight the theme from Weeds...yeah that song)
j: ok..ok...wait...why am i singing that song
me: because like 45 minutes ago i asked you _____ (something maybe very vaguely connected...tonight it was "can you bring me a box from work")
so long story is my free association for the evening
cutting okra in the kitchen...making okra, zucchini, tomato saute to go with dinner...
me: mmm i love okra
me: yeah me too...maybe we will get more in the farm box this week
me: oh that would be great...we could make gumbo
me: gumbo...we would need file powder...we are out of that
me: yeah and chicken sausage...
me: i wonder what real gumbo tastes like...
me: yeah hard to believe we have never been to NOLA...we should go sometime...
me: yeah and find someone who makes gumbo with out butter or pork products or red meat of any kind..
...insert me day dreaming about driving to NOLA...on a vacation...with time that is not there...yeah so maybe gumbo this it going to be less than 100 degrees??
Monday, July 27, 2009
raisin bran muffins
i knew the minute i saw these muffins here i would be making them in the next day or two...thanks for returning my muffin pans Betsy...i was too stoked about this recipe...made them today as a study break...they are surprisingly light...and perfectly not too sweet...
if you like a good light bran muffin i would go with this one...though next time i will add more orange zest...they remind me of Appalachian trail cookies from sentient bean in Savannah...Liberty's secret recipe...i'm not giving that one away :P
Sunday, July 26, 2009
this week has been all about a break for me...from some things that my nutrition plan...lots of wine and cupcakes...a break from training...i think the most active thing i did was mow the grass (non-gas hand mower)and ride my bike to school...but unfortuantly no break from school...that is ok i don't know if i could have changed things that much and not freaked out completely...
today i just felt some one else entirely...i don't think my body likes not working out...and it's a good thing because tomorrow (monday) starts marathon training...and marathon training/racing nutrition plan...goodbye wine and cupcakes see ya in november...
and at the moment...i'm a little nervous of the goal i have set for my nutrition...but i know i can do it if i decide to...guess i just need to get through the first day as they say
cupcake we come
and please don't give me any even if i beg ;)
today i just felt some one else entirely...i don't think my body likes not working out...and it's a good thing because tomorrow (monday) starts marathon training...and marathon training/racing nutrition plan...goodbye wine and cupcakes see ya in november...
and at the moment...i'm a little nervous of the goal i have set for my nutrition...but i know i can do it if i decide to...guess i just need to get through the first day as they say
cupcake we come
and please don't give me any even if i beg ;)
Friday, July 24, 2009
French Laundry...aka foodman
i know that it has been almost a week since j and i had our meal at French Laundry and i have not said a word...well i have been trying to get my thoughts together and organize them into a cohesive post but i don't think i can really do that without just putting pen to paper so to here goes...
sunday after i relaxed for a bit by the pool...had a nap and j a mates started returning...Coach Chrissie had earned a spot at the 70.3 championships and stayed at the race to accept her spot...nice job coach! folks were returning and ben brought out the champagne and the celebration had begun...
it was really nice to sit around the pool and chat with the rest of the team and hear about their races...a lot of people had a tough day...some kicked butt...there was a whole range of races...and well, that was reassuring to me...this really was my first A race that i didn't achieve what i set out to do...i'm still processing...but i think i figured out my down fall...and well, we move on...
so after a few glasses of bubbly i was off to shower and pack up and head off to french laundry...chrissie gave me my spa treatment (scrubbing my race numbers off)...i showered off the day and put on my pretty blue dress...j and i had decided to say good bye to boon hotel and spend the night in san fran...not far from the airport (so our drive in the morning was 5 minutes rather than 2 hours) we said bye to the rest of the team and were off
the drive to French laundry was really gorgeous...we had a really nice time chatting and driving over the mountains...checking out vineyards and the sights of CA...and CIA that is a pretty campus...even though we drove about an hour and a half it was a lot of fun...and nice to see some of the spots where my favorite wines are grown...and made...
we arrived just before sunset...and found the pretty gardens that were across the street...they had little french laundry tags on them...very pretty...i was excited to eat what was growing there...j and i walked to the door and were greeted and went out to the courtyard to wait for our table to be ready...
the grounds were totally beautiful...roses and green green grass...there was one building that was the main spot...where all the tables an old house...and two out attached (the kitchen) and another that housed a rest room and several rooms that we couldn't figure out what they were...i guess private dining rooms of some sort...
about 10 minutes later we were brought in to the house...they took j's jacket and my sweater...and we went upstairs to our table...the first thing that we both noticed was that the tables were kind of crammed in the room...there was a 6-8 top three 4 tops and our 2 top crammed into a room that would have been more comfortable with 2 less tables...we got menus and the wine list...the wine list was maybe 30 pages long...couldn't even read the whole the first few pages...uh spendy to say the least...there was a half bottle for a grand...seriously...we found a (relatively) cheap half bottle of wine to split since we knew we were driving after dinner...
we checked out the menu...there were two options...both tasting menus and nine courses each..with a few options along the choose between this and that for course 3 was a vegetable tasting...the other...not so veggie...the veggie one was not entirely veg...there was some lobster broth in there...but nothing over that...j got the meat option i the veg and we were resolved to share...well he would share with me :)
the food....well that was just fantastic...from the amuse bouche (a black pepper tuile filled with house made creme fresh topped with beet tar tare...j's with Scottish smoked salmon) the the tiny diced melon...and peeled toy box tomato salad...eggplant confit...nectarine sorbet...uhm gnocchi was meltingly good...every vegetable was the most flavorful that i have ever tasted...white alpine strawberries with the cheese course tasted more like strawberries than the reddest one i have ever eaten...and the presentation was also super beautiful...the artistry of the knife work from the kitchen was fantastic...i think my favorite thing was something of j' was a lobster knuckle in a biriani curry with basmati Indian food ever :D
there was nothing about the food that could have been recreated...even if you studied the menu...there was just such perfect produce that you could not get anywhere else...just very perfect...and i was really impressed with the food...we were there 3 and a half hours (we were seated at nine pm) and actually had to hurry up the service since we needed to drive to SF...and hopefully before sunrise ;)
but there was something that i just couldn't put my finger on that was off about the meal...i thought that it was the four top that was across from us...two was very clear that one of the guys was trying to impress the other couple...i had thought it was his in-laws but it wasn't the in-laws...they were sitting the kid...(yes the tables were that close that we didn't even need to try to hear...oh and the wife of the trying to impress dude was having some GI we needed to know all this)...but j really nailed it the next night when we were home sitting on the porch...i was drinking cheap wine and he was having a tall boy of lone star...(love it)
the whole thing was inauthentic...the experience was manufactured...i feel like i have more of an experience at my neighborhood starbucks since each employee is a true human and does not speak from a script...the courses were timed for each table the same much so that we wondered if there was a stop watch set in the kitchen for each table and course...each presented in exactly the same was all very very much the same...what was really disheartening was that the waiters even asked each table the same questions to make small's strange...i think i would have liked it better if i had a story to tell that a waiter at the french laundry spilled an iced tea on me...or told me that they were working their way through school at the the Culinary Institute of America down the road...something to make it more real...more down to earth...
don't get me was amazing to have the opportunity to eat such fantastic food at such a legendary restaurant that had launched so many chefs into stardom...and i would not change that for the was just surprising that it was really cookie cutter...and forced...
oh yeah i forgot to mention my was so cool...there was apple wood smoke trapped in a sphere of presentation ever...the server poured a warm sauce over the ball to release the smoke...very cool...and one last thing that was fantastic about this place was the kitchen...lots of windows...a flat screen live to per se in new york...and totally immaculate...loved it...
and no way around was totally memorable...something i will not forget...thanks j and happy anniversary present to me :D
and with that...that is the race report for foodman
sunday after i relaxed for a bit by the pool...had a nap and j a mates started returning...Coach Chrissie had earned a spot at the 70.3 championships and stayed at the race to accept her spot...nice job coach! folks were returning and ben brought out the champagne and the celebration had begun...
it was really nice to sit around the pool and chat with the rest of the team and hear about their races...a lot of people had a tough day...some kicked butt...there was a whole range of races...and well, that was reassuring to me...this really was my first A race that i didn't achieve what i set out to do...i'm still processing...but i think i figured out my down fall...and well, we move on...
so after a few glasses of bubbly i was off to shower and pack up and head off to french laundry...chrissie gave me my spa treatment (scrubbing my race numbers off)...i showered off the day and put on my pretty blue dress...j and i had decided to say good bye to boon hotel and spend the night in san fran...not far from the airport (so our drive in the morning was 5 minutes rather than 2 hours) we said bye to the rest of the team and were off
the drive to French laundry was really gorgeous...we had a really nice time chatting and driving over the mountains...checking out vineyards and the sights of CA...and CIA that is a pretty campus...even though we drove about an hour and a half it was a lot of fun...and nice to see some of the spots where my favorite wines are grown...and made...
we arrived just before sunset...and found the pretty gardens that were across the street...they had little french laundry tags on them...very pretty...i was excited to eat what was growing there...j and i walked to the door and were greeted and went out to the courtyard to wait for our table to be ready...
the grounds were totally beautiful...roses and green green grass...there was one building that was the main spot...where all the tables an old house...and two out attached (the kitchen) and another that housed a rest room and several rooms that we couldn't figure out what they were...i guess private dining rooms of some sort...
about 10 minutes later we were brought in to the house...they took j's jacket and my sweater...and we went upstairs to our table...the first thing that we both noticed was that the tables were kind of crammed in the room...there was a 6-8 top three 4 tops and our 2 top crammed into a room that would have been more comfortable with 2 less tables...we got menus and the wine list...the wine list was maybe 30 pages long...couldn't even read the whole the first few pages...uh spendy to say the least...there was a half bottle for a grand...seriously...we found a (relatively) cheap half bottle of wine to split since we knew we were driving after dinner...
we checked out the menu...there were two options...both tasting menus and nine courses each..with a few options along the choose between this and that for course 3 was a vegetable tasting...the other...not so veggie...the veggie one was not entirely veg...there was some lobster broth in there...but nothing over that...j got the meat option i the veg and we were resolved to share...well he would share with me :)
the food....well that was just fantastic...from the amuse bouche (a black pepper tuile filled with house made creme fresh topped with beet tar tare...j's with Scottish smoked salmon) the the tiny diced melon...and peeled toy box tomato salad...eggplant confit...nectarine sorbet...uhm gnocchi was meltingly good...every vegetable was the most flavorful that i have ever tasted...white alpine strawberries with the cheese course tasted more like strawberries than the reddest one i have ever eaten...and the presentation was also super beautiful...the artistry of the knife work from the kitchen was fantastic...i think my favorite thing was something of j' was a lobster knuckle in a biriani curry with basmati Indian food ever :D
there was nothing about the food that could have been recreated...even if you studied the menu...there was just such perfect produce that you could not get anywhere else...just very perfect...and i was really impressed with the food...we were there 3 and a half hours (we were seated at nine pm) and actually had to hurry up the service since we needed to drive to SF...and hopefully before sunrise ;)
but there was something that i just couldn't put my finger on that was off about the meal...i thought that it was the four top that was across from us...two was very clear that one of the guys was trying to impress the other couple...i had thought it was his in-laws but it wasn't the in-laws...they were sitting the kid...(yes the tables were that close that we didn't even need to try to hear...oh and the wife of the trying to impress dude was having some GI we needed to know all this)...but j really nailed it the next night when we were home sitting on the porch...i was drinking cheap wine and he was having a tall boy of lone star...(love it)
the whole thing was inauthentic...the experience was manufactured...i feel like i have more of an experience at my neighborhood starbucks since each employee is a true human and does not speak from a script...the courses were timed for each table the same much so that we wondered if there was a stop watch set in the kitchen for each table and course...each presented in exactly the same was all very very much the same...what was really disheartening was that the waiters even asked each table the same questions to make small's strange...i think i would have liked it better if i had a story to tell that a waiter at the french laundry spilled an iced tea on me...or told me that they were working their way through school at the the Culinary Institute of America down the road...something to make it more real...more down to earth...
don't get me was amazing to have the opportunity to eat such fantastic food at such a legendary restaurant that had launched so many chefs into stardom...and i would not change that for the was just surprising that it was really cookie cutter...and forced...
oh yeah i forgot to mention my was so cool...there was apple wood smoke trapped in a sphere of presentation ever...the server poured a warm sauce over the ball to release the smoke...very cool...and one last thing that was fantastic about this place was the kitchen...lots of windows...a flat screen live to per se in new york...and totally immaculate...loved it...
and no way around was totally memorable...something i will not forget...thanks j and happy anniversary present to me :D
and with that...that is the race report for foodman
Monday, July 20, 2009
Vineman...the report
i don't even know where to start this report...this summer has been a totally insane...i have not been able think much beyond up to this race has been less than's not really the training it's more the mental training (that i really like) that i have not been able to part of that brings less anxiety leading up to race morning...but there are drawbacks as anyway that is the background for this...
i had a test friday after prof was very cool...and let me take my test early...(thanks!) then j and i had a little time that afternoon to get ready to go...i had to pack still (so not like me...i usually do this a week before i go anywhere) and get my self together...decompress and think about my race plan...seriously...i really don't do this the day i leave...but my brain has been fried...totally...
so...our plane got in about 8.30 pm CA time...then we had a two hour drive to the hotel...would have been great and fun...but we were SO tired by that point we just wanted to be we got to Boon about 11.45 and promptly crashed...
got up in the AM to grab a quick swim in the and jeremiah got in and swam a bit then got out...back to boon and hooked up with chrissie and ben for a run up to the redwoods and back again...then it was time to grab packets and drop run gear, pick up bikes and do the pre-race thing...back to boon...and chrissie and i headed out to test the bikes...did a 20 minute (or so) ride...felt good...but a little stiff...
rest of the day was spent chillin around the pool...michelle came by to hang...then amy and etg stopped by and brought us dinner...(thanks for that!) then back to the room to get the race stuff together...still i was not nervous about this's as if i was just going out for a big brick the next day...
got up about 5.30...made my breakfast...had some coffee...and was ready to go...chrissie, lory and i rode our bikes down to the start (half a mile from the hotel) transition was a was wicked disorganized by my standards...thanks austin race make us jaded...found a spot on a rack..dudes were racked there (not the right spot for them..grr...) but hey what are you going to do...walked down to the beach...put on my wet suit...with some T3 peeps...then it was time to race...(it was nice not to sit around and stew before the race) got in the water...felt like there were a lot of people creeping in on my the start was a bit of a mess...went off with the gun...was in the washing machine...i wasn't down...popped up and moved towards the line of big orange buoys and felt a lot better...then about 5 minutes later my goggles fogged and well i couldn't see anything that was not 15 feet in front of my i just felt long...hit the turn...was breathing and saw that peeps around me were standing up and walking...weird...i swam faster then they i swam...uneventful swim...out of the water about 36.00...not great but not bad...found my my stuff packed up (swim)...grabbed my bike and was off...found drop my bag (thank you !!!) hopped on my bike and was off...
was odd that there was not any road closure on the bike course...very strange...but it was very pretty...first thing we road through was the Korbel vineyards...then to the first turn off...and about a mile later there was a the bottom of a hill so that was tough...momentum down...then up the hill you go...argh...about a mile later (ok maybe 5 or 8) there was a much more serious crash...i was about 50 people deep in a totally stopped pack of racers...there was a tree that had fallen on two riders on the course...screaming riders loaded into ambulances...very disconcerting...then the 100 people stopped behind the wreck were allowed to pass...we all tried to be careful but that many riders all at once is tough...we made it out ok...but it took a while for the course to clear out...i settled in to a good pace...nothing too aggressive...just riding well...
it was a weird race for me...i didn't really get into the bike until about mile 20...part of it was seeing those two crashes earlier...and well just getting settled in...saw matt on the ride...we played leap frog for a while...then i lost him somewhere in the town where T2 was...he took off...i didn't want to push it...made it in to town just under 3h on the bike...about a 19 average...good deal...
T2 was smooth and fast...saw jon on the way out (surprise)...turned away from the school...out on to a really hot and sunny run...i was already starting to get really hot in the first few miles...i kept on my plan...taking in my electrolytes...grabbing water and ice at aid stations trying to cool off...the hills were tough...and a lot of the folks i saw on the way back in didn't look all that happy...saw kevin teh and chrissie...they both looked i was about 5 miles in...they were headed that point i was running by the sonoma airport..lots of planes taking off...and a good stretch of HOT up the the la crema winery and was able to run through a mist station...and grab two cups of ice...that felt at each aid station after i got as much ice in me as i my tri-top, my hat, held some in my hands (your palms really help to regulate temp)...but could never get my temperature to come down...pushed pace was not very happy...i felt really slow...and never found it on the run...i did run the whole way...pushed though those last few miles and finished with very wiggly legs in just under 2 for the run...9 minute miles the 8.30 i was shooting for...but hey...
total time of 5.38...the goal was 5.30...and i am disappointed that i didn't hit it...trying to figure out if i went too hard on the bike...i never felt like i was really pushing it to hit the average i hit...nothing different than my training...or if it just was the heat that got to legs mostly felt ok running...and the cardio was we learn and we move on to the next race...
jon and i had to take off pretty much as soon as i finished...he had an appointment back at the put the bike with the tri bike guys and headed back to boon...hung out by the pool with a glass of wine after the race...took a nap on a lounge chair in the shade...great recovery for sure...
i had a test friday after prof was very cool...and let me take my test early...(thanks!) then j and i had a little time that afternoon to get ready to go...i had to pack still (so not like me...i usually do this a week before i go anywhere) and get my self together...decompress and think about my race plan...seriously...i really don't do this the day i leave...but my brain has been fried...totally...
so...our plane got in about 8.30 pm CA time...then we had a two hour drive to the hotel...would have been great and fun...but we were SO tired by that point we just wanted to be we got to Boon about 11.45 and promptly crashed...
got up in the AM to grab a quick swim in the and jeremiah got in and swam a bit then got out...back to boon and hooked up with chrissie and ben for a run up to the redwoods and back again...then it was time to grab packets and drop run gear, pick up bikes and do the pre-race thing...back to boon...and chrissie and i headed out to test the bikes...did a 20 minute (or so) ride...felt good...but a little stiff...
rest of the day was spent chillin around the pool...michelle came by to hang...then amy and etg stopped by and brought us dinner...(thanks for that!) then back to the room to get the race stuff together...still i was not nervous about this's as if i was just going out for a big brick the next day...
got up about 5.30...made my breakfast...had some coffee...and was ready to go...chrissie, lory and i rode our bikes down to the start (half a mile from the hotel) transition was a was wicked disorganized by my standards...thanks austin race make us jaded...found a spot on a rack..dudes were racked there (not the right spot for them..grr...) but hey what are you going to do...walked down to the beach...put on my wet suit...with some T3 peeps...then it was time to race...(it was nice not to sit around and stew before the race) got in the water...felt like there were a lot of people creeping in on my the start was a bit of a mess...went off with the gun...was in the washing machine...i wasn't down...popped up and moved towards the line of big orange buoys and felt a lot better...then about 5 minutes later my goggles fogged and well i couldn't see anything that was not 15 feet in front of my i just felt long...hit the turn...was breathing and saw that peeps around me were standing up and walking...weird...i swam faster then they i swam...uneventful swim...out of the water about 36.00...not great but not bad...found my my stuff packed up (swim)...grabbed my bike and was off...found drop my bag (thank you !!!) hopped on my bike and was off...
was odd that there was not any road closure on the bike course...very strange...but it was very pretty...first thing we road through was the Korbel vineyards...then to the first turn off...and about a mile later there was a the bottom of a hill so that was tough...momentum down...then up the hill you go...argh...about a mile later (ok maybe 5 or 8) there was a much more serious crash...i was about 50 people deep in a totally stopped pack of racers...there was a tree that had fallen on two riders on the course...screaming riders loaded into ambulances...very disconcerting...then the 100 people stopped behind the wreck were allowed to pass...we all tried to be careful but that many riders all at once is tough...we made it out ok...but it took a while for the course to clear out...i settled in to a good pace...nothing too aggressive...just riding well...
it was a weird race for me...i didn't really get into the bike until about mile 20...part of it was seeing those two crashes earlier...and well just getting settled in...saw matt on the ride...we played leap frog for a while...then i lost him somewhere in the town where T2 was...he took off...i didn't want to push it...made it in to town just under 3h on the bike...about a 19 average...good deal...
T2 was smooth and fast...saw jon on the way out (surprise)...turned away from the school...out on to a really hot and sunny run...i was already starting to get really hot in the first few miles...i kept on my plan...taking in my electrolytes...grabbing water and ice at aid stations trying to cool off...the hills were tough...and a lot of the folks i saw on the way back in didn't look all that happy...saw kevin teh and chrissie...they both looked i was about 5 miles in...they were headed that point i was running by the sonoma airport..lots of planes taking off...and a good stretch of HOT up the the la crema winery and was able to run through a mist station...and grab two cups of ice...that felt at each aid station after i got as much ice in me as i my tri-top, my hat, held some in my hands (your palms really help to regulate temp)...but could never get my temperature to come down...pushed pace was not very happy...i felt really slow...and never found it on the run...i did run the whole way...pushed though those last few miles and finished with very wiggly legs in just under 2 for the run...9 minute miles the 8.30 i was shooting for...but hey...
total time of 5.38...the goal was 5.30...and i am disappointed that i didn't hit it...trying to figure out if i went too hard on the bike...i never felt like i was really pushing it to hit the average i hit...nothing different than my training...or if it just was the heat that got to legs mostly felt ok running...and the cardio was we learn and we move on to the next race...
jon and i had to take off pretty much as soon as i finished...he had an appointment back at the put the bike with the tri bike guys and headed back to boon...hung out by the pool with a glass of wine after the race...took a nap on a lounge chair in the shade...great recovery for sure...
Sunday, July 12, 2009

so kind of on a whim i decided to do couples tri's a tri you do with a combine ages and combine finish times to compete for awards...
it's a big T3 team event...and a lot of fun to get out there and race with someone from the team...and we compete against each other as well as the general austin racing population...with a huge handicap i won the T3 team race with my partner last year...i never would have thought that possible...but hey it WAS a HUGE handicap...
this year i wasn't going to "a" race of the season is next weekend and my bike got on the transport truck i was without a bike...but i made a proposition to erin...erin just raced Ironman and had signed up to race couples...the T3 team draws names out of a hat to see who gets partnered up...but i could tell she wasn't feeling like i suggested that i race for her...on her bike...and with her partner...but as my self...(no erin costume)
so yesterday we put my pedals on her bike and the race wheels...and well i tooled around the hood to see if i could ride was fine and i figured it was 11 couldn't be too bad...
ended up having a great race...a 6 minute PR (i thought for some reason that it was 16 minutes...not sure what numbers i was thinking of)...good swim...i felt like i swam hard and needed to be in a swim start with people just to get the jitters out for next was good...i didn't push it cause it wasn't my i took it easy...and had a great run...felt really strong on the run and ran 7.40 miles for the 5k...and it was HOT out
so not sure how we did in the team competition...but we did get first in the 80 and over age group (our combined ages) was my first podium finish at a that was fun...and now i know that i remember how to race...and am looking forward to that in a cooler climate...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
feelin it
i am really feeling tired these last few days...i think i am a little drained from the pace of summer class...i have today and tomorrow for lecture and thursday is a lecture exam and a lab exam...we get friday off...and second session starts rest i guess for me there...
since i am going to still be traveling on the 20th...i am taking my first exam for second session friday the this weekend...i am going to be reading ahead in that class so that i know what the heck is going on for the exam...yikes...
i am looking forward to racing on the 19th but i feel like i can't even think about it yet...and i need to...i need to get an idea about how i want to race and how hard i am going to push...i have a time goal in mind...and i think that it is possible to do it...but i have not even looked at my pacing to see if i will be able to reach beyond that goal...
at the moment though my brain wants to shut down...and take a nap...
but alas it's time to get ready for class...
one good note about today...i finally got the guts to move up a swim lane...and i didn't get passed...i hung on...and will try again next time too...hope my other lane buddies are not mad...but it was time
since i am going to still be traveling on the 20th...i am taking my first exam for second session friday the this weekend...i am going to be reading ahead in that class so that i know what the heck is going on for the exam...yikes...
i am looking forward to racing on the 19th but i feel like i can't even think about it yet...and i need to...i need to get an idea about how i want to race and how hard i am going to push...i have a time goal in mind...and i think that it is possible to do it...but i have not even looked at my pacing to see if i will be able to reach beyond that goal...
at the moment though my brain wants to shut down...and take a nap...
but alas it's time to get ready for class...
one good note about today...i finally got the guts to move up a swim lane...and i didn't get passed...i hung on...and will try again next time too...hope my other lane buddies are not mad...but it was time
Friday, July 3, 2009
and another...
had another triathlon dream last night...
this must mean i need to get my race plan together for goes in sunday for a final tune up...and the training chart says "taper" feels like forever since i last raced...might get to do couples if i ever hear back from my partner from the T3 hat drawing...if not i might just race it myself just to get the cobwebs out...on erin's bike...since mine will be on the way to CA at that point...this is all still up in the air...but i think it would make me stop having whacked out dreams...where i am making my mom go and get my nutrition and running shoes...and etg is giving me a wetsuit...
this must mean i need to get my race plan together for goes in sunday for a final tune up...and the training chart says "taper" feels like forever since i last raced...might get to do couples if i ever hear back from my partner from the T3 hat drawing...if not i might just race it myself just to get the cobwebs out...on erin's bike...since mine will be on the way to CA at that point...this is all still up in the air...but i think it would make me stop having whacked out dreams...where i am making my mom go and get my nutrition and running shoes...and etg is giving me a wetsuit...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
i had a dream last night...that i was doing an ironman...and i forgot to do the bike portion...oops
Monday, June 22, 2009
Ironman II
i have signed up for my second will be june 27th 2010 in coeur d'alene's beautiful there...
it's nice to know what i will be doing in a least race wise...
it's nice to know what i will be doing in a least race wise...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
race weekend!
i want to give a little love to all my team mates and friends racing this weekend...and yes that includes you jeremiah racing p-ville sprint :D not just those Ironman people...
you's going to be a great will have the best race that you can have on that day...just remember to soak it all in...
do team stuff when you want...but be alone when you want safe...have fun...see you an Ironman!
you's going to be a great will have the best race that you can have on that day...just remember to soak it all in...
do team stuff when you want...but be alone when you want safe...have fun...see you an Ironman!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
lil update...

so my mom informed me that i had not updated my blog in a while so...this one is for you mom :)
just finished my longest (distance) training weekend for vineman 70.3 in july...i felt strong...but now...tired...and not really wanting to be on my feet much...but that i guess is a given...came off a solid training week...just good solid hours putting hay in the barn as they say...had a tough yet rewarding track practice on wednesday...we did 1600, 1200, 800, 400, 400, 800, 1200, was about 95 with a head wind on one side of the track and about 98 percent humidity...i was spent by the end of that workout...but felt running has been progressing...or at least i feel like it has been since coming back from my over training hip issues...i don't hurt at all...and this makes me happy happy...
it has been great to get some solid hours in while a huge chunk of the team is in taper...they are kind of coasting in to Cd'A ironman...while i am really digging into the last segment of this training cycle...and again i get to be the last one out there completing my sets...just running longer...and that is fine with me...
did 70 on the bike saturday riding 360 out to parmer...out to leander or something...i find it funny that there are a lot of places that i won't drive but would be happy to ride my bike to...felt good out there on the bike...just wanted to hit a good solid ride and not feel spent by the time i had to hit those last three hills on 360...and well i think i accomplished what i set out to do...we had a head wind on the way back in...and that was tough...really slowed my pace a lot...but i had enough left in the tank to smoke the roadie who was trying to draft off me on the way up from the bridge towards westlake drive...ha!...
today was a 17 mile run that ended up being 18...but's ok...started around 6 at Barton springs...did the 35 loop on the trail to meet up with the group at the rock at there a little before i had expected to...and didn't want to stand i took off on the 10 (and a half) mile loop on the road...but that darn hilly section of exposition...up shaol creek to 45th and alllll the way back down lamar...saw Elizabeth at the lamar/5th intersection :)and did that little section of the trail by the Y that goes under Cesar Chavez...back to the rock to fill my bottle...then back to Barton springs...the soak was my savior...had a great chat with chuck...good to catch up since we never see each other...
home to make some tacos, do a little in the yard...laundry...baking...making a new cupcake today...just made up the recipe...we will see how it is a modified banana bread...with peanut butter...and will get some chocolate ganache on top...all inspired by the fact that i had some ganache in the freezer...if they turn out i will post a photo :) sunday cupcake reward rules!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
What I did on my Summer Vacation was a short and sweet vacation from not a whole lot!...but some things have happened that are worth mentioning...
first, i survived my semester, completely mentally exhausted but managed to pull 5 A's and a B (let me tell you this was a B by half a point...and no there was no arguing that could have been done)...granting me University honors for the semester...yeah!
second, i took advantage of doing nothing (and trying really hard not to feel guilty about it) and napping when ever possible for more than ten minutes...
third, i have been baking a lot and actually saying yes to invitations for dinners, etc with friends...figure i better do that now...cause in 6 months i will be IM training again...i have decided to sign up for IMCd'A for 2010...let us cross fingers that i can sign up on-line
...saw the indigo girls with some great friends :D so fun!
...have been training hard and getting excited about Vineman...and the french laundry reservations we have for that evening...
...started my summer internship
...dug in the yard and moved some dirt with my new (to me) wheel barrow
and now i'm back to class...i started yesterday with anatomy and physiology I's everyday with lab two days a week...we cover a semester in 5 weeks...eek...A&P II comes next...for the second half of the summer...even though this is crazy i don't think it will be anywhere near as stressful as last semester :)
happy summer!
first, i survived my semester, completely mentally exhausted but managed to pull 5 A's and a B (let me tell you this was a B by half a point...and no there was no arguing that could have been done)...granting me University honors for the semester...yeah!
second, i took advantage of doing nothing (and trying really hard not to feel guilty about it) and napping when ever possible for more than ten minutes...
third, i have been baking a lot and actually saying yes to invitations for dinners, etc with friends...figure i better do that now...cause in 6 months i will be IM training again...i have decided to sign up for IMCd'A for 2010...let us cross fingers that i can sign up on-line
...saw the indigo girls with some great friends :D so fun!
...have been training hard and getting excited about Vineman...and the french laundry reservations we have for that evening...
...started my summer internship
...dug in the yard and moved some dirt with my new (to me) wheel barrow
and now i'm back to class...i started yesterday with anatomy and physiology I's everyday with lab two days a week...we cover a semester in 5 weeks...eek...A&P II comes next...for the second half of the summer...even though this is crazy i don't think it will be anywhere near as stressful as last semester :)
happy summer!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
a month and a half ago i got back on the track (tentatively) after coming back from the over use injury to my left hip flexing was mile repeat night...but coach being the nice coach that he is (sometimes ;0) gave me 5x800...don't go killing it he said...but i was excited to be back on the track...ran one...3.29 ok...i was ok with that...but then came the next four...there was no negative split...and this was the HARDEST track was taking everything i had to not fall off...but fall off i did...last one was somewhere about 3.39...ught...i was not happy...i remember being really upset and wondering what happened to my negative split...
tonight was a different story...the workout was 7x800...negative split the set...i did...i was so excited...and running the last one...kicking down the last 100 meters...felt good...felt not at all as hard as that first 800 that april evening...even if i thought it would take forever to get that feeling didn't...and i'm going to enjoy to get faster...
tonight was a different story...the workout was 7x800...negative split the set...i did...i was so excited...and running the last one...kicking down the last 100 meters...felt good...felt not at all as hard as that first 800 that april evening...even if i thought it would take forever to get that feeling didn't...and i'm going to enjoy to get faster...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
food blog back-up
so it has been a long time since i posted any of my cooking adventures...and well there really have not been that many...but i am making up for it this week...made a batch of pesto, tofu/chocolate/banana pudding, turmeric potato salad, dilly green beans, english muffins (the second try), pie dough, gluten free cupcake mix (for baking later this weekend) and i am thinking about throwing together a pizza dough recipe from peter reinheart and we all know that takes days !! but so worth it...anyway here are some photos of my cooking adventures that had yet to get posted :)...
train cake was for j's birthday...loved the smile it put on his face...english muffins are attempts one and two...the first batch (pictured cooking in the pan) were too dense...but still tasty... this last batch (the split on) SO much better...very very good...can't wait to make a breakfast sandwich tomorrow after my 40/7 weekend
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
and we are done
finished my last exam of the semester at noon today...and boy it was rough...i was there the whole three is mentally and physically exhausting to sit and try and take an exam for that long...and thank goodness i had a sweatshirt with me...because i was sitting under the air vent for the hug lecture the end of my exam i was wearing the hood and my nose and right hand were freezing...i was thankful for the beautiful day out side to help me warm up....
had a celebration lunch with amy! whip in...i had chana masala...yum...if you are in austin and have not been to whip in to are missing out...go it's really good...and i had a glass of zin to celebrate a rough semester...
so nice to catch up with amy...and we started chatting about what i was going to do with my time off...and well i was going to go get a cupcake...and well somehow i twisted her arm and we ended up at polka dots in west campus...uhm yeah...excellent cupcake...great coffee...and a really great porch with perfect weather and company...
home for a bit to catch up on all of the stuff that i had been putting off until after the exam...just some running of the house stuffs...then off for a run...i can't tell if i felt strong and fast because i have a huge weight off my shoulders or due to the fact that the humidity is below 90%...maybe both...either way it was a great run...loved it...
then just home to hang out with j...nice! stress...just cook eat relax...
and last but absolutely not least...we are going to the french laundry (squeeee!!) the sunday i do's j's anniversary gift to i need to figure out something to get him... :D
had a celebration lunch with amy! whip in...i had chana masala...yum...if you are in austin and have not been to whip in to are missing out...go it's really good...and i had a glass of zin to celebrate a rough semester...
so nice to catch up with amy...and we started chatting about what i was going to do with my time off...and well i was going to go get a cupcake...and well somehow i twisted her arm and we ended up at polka dots in west campus...uhm yeah...excellent cupcake...great coffee...and a really great porch with perfect weather and company...
home for a bit to catch up on all of the stuff that i had been putting off until after the exam...just some running of the house stuffs...then off for a run...i can't tell if i felt strong and fast because i have a huge weight off my shoulders or due to the fact that the humidity is below 90%...maybe both...either way it was a great run...loved it...
then just home to hang out with j...nice! stress...just cook eat relax...
and last but absolutely not least...we are going to the french laundry (squeeee!!) the sunday i do's j's anniversary gift to i need to figure out something to get him... :D
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Mix Up
one thing that is really good about dead days and finals week is that i get to mix up the routine a you know that i LOVE a routine...but sometimes it feels really good and relaxing to be able to work out whenever...or sort of whenever...
yoga session post rookie monday was a sleep in day...a treat for sure to make the it really seem like classes have ended...the reality has not quite sunk in...i had three review sessions to attend so decided to get my run in the morning...holy was about 80% humidity out there...i was covered in sweat by the time i was about half a mile from home...any way it was a hot hard run...but as the quote on my mirror says...i've never regretted going for a run but i have regretted not going on one...
hit all three review sessions...and am thankful for the lead o-chem TA ....she's good...really good...
tuesday morning i was going to swim as usual but decided that i could switch it i spun...great class...chrissie kicked my a good way of course...
home to study for the rest of the day...
so the rest of this week is getting in my workouts a little differently...which for some reason makes them feel new and exciting again...and well if i'm not working out...i'll be studying...a lot
yoga session post rookie monday was a sleep in day...a treat for sure to make the it really seem like classes have ended...the reality has not quite sunk in...i had three review sessions to attend so decided to get my run in the morning...holy was about 80% humidity out there...i was covered in sweat by the time i was about half a mile from home...any way it was a hot hard run...but as the quote on my mirror says...i've never regretted going for a run but i have regretted not going on one...
hit all three review sessions...and am thankful for the lead o-chem TA ....she's good...really good...
tuesday morning i was going to swim as usual but decided that i could switch it i spun...great class...chrissie kicked my a good way of course...
home to study for the rest of the day...
so the rest of this week is getting in my workouts a little differently...which for some reason makes them feel new and exciting again...and well if i'm not working out...i'll be studying...a lot
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Rookie Results
Rookie 58.14
-5th in AG
swim 6.49 (they say the swim was a 400 not a 300)
t1 1.48
bike 33.39 (20mph average)
t2 .58
run 14.59 (7.30 average)
a happy one year tri-versary to me!
-5th in AG
swim 6.49 (they say the swim was a 400 not a 300)
t1 1.48
bike 33.39 (20mph average)
t2 .58
run 14.59 (7.30 average)
a happy one year tri-versary to me!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Last Day!
Just finished my last class of the i just have to study for finals...i am so happy to be coming to the end of this round...somehow i will make it through finals...hopefully without too much of a freak out... :D
so in between my 1 year triathlon anniversary (racing Rookie on sunday)...mother's ya!...and celebrating the last class of the semester i will get to some the moment though i think a nap is in order...
due to racing this weekend...i did my long ride/brick on thursday and my long run this morning (13 miles starting at 5am!) i bet there are very few other students who were doing that this morning...or who were wearing compression socks to class! in more ways than one
so in between my 1 year triathlon anniversary (racing Rookie on sunday)...mother's ya!...and celebrating the last class of the semester i will get to some the moment though i think a nap is in order...
due to racing this weekend...i did my long ride/brick on thursday and my long run this morning (13 miles starting at 5am!) i bet there are very few other students who were doing that this morning...or who were wearing compression socks to class! in more ways than one
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
after all this time...
i am still trying to be perfect...and still disappointed when i am not...knowing full well that one cannot and really should not be perfect or perform perfectly every time...i know this yet still the cycle continues...
Saturday, May 2, 2009
my husband knows best...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
In Search Of...
i want my negative split back...since i have come back from my injury...i have been to three track workouts...two of which were timed short distance speed work...99% of the time these are to be done negative splitting the set...getting faster as you go...i used to be so good at on every not so much...i know that i am just coming back from being off from speed work for almost a month but i want it back...
we did partner 8x400 then 4x200 on the track...i stayed in the 1.38-1.40 range...i used to be faster...sigh...though i did have one of my coaches (miss super speed chrissie) as my run she s my rest interval was short...i pushed it...but could feel those last few were really tough...but hey i'm just glad to be back...
we did the 4x200 on our own...had three the same and then the last one one second faster...that was good...and again very happy to have had a speed session and no pain...
this morning i am sore...i have a feeling it is the combo of core wednesday morning, physical therapy wednesday afternoon, and the track workout...but it feels i worked hard and know it...
just a little over a week left in my classes...then a few days off until finals begin...i have four...which is better than six...i have already started studying for my organic chem final...just an hour a day...but it's something...i feel much more human now that i can see then end of the semester ahead of me...and i don't have two tests every week...and a lab and two quizzes...and...almost there
we did partner 8x400 then 4x200 on the track...i stayed in the 1.38-1.40 range...i used to be faster...sigh...though i did have one of my coaches (miss super speed chrissie) as my run she s my rest interval was short...i pushed it...but could feel those last few were really tough...but hey i'm just glad to be back...
we did the 4x200 on our own...had three the same and then the last one one second faster...that was good...and again very happy to have had a speed session and no pain...
this morning i am sore...i have a feeling it is the combo of core wednesday morning, physical therapy wednesday afternoon, and the track workout...but it feels i worked hard and know it...
just a little over a week left in my classes...then a few days off until finals begin...i have four...which is better than six...i have already started studying for my organic chem final...just an hour a day...but it's something...i feel much more human now that i can see then end of the semester ahead of me...and i don't have two tests every week...and a lab and two quizzes...and...almost there
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