Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Nutrition Experience

as some of you may know...i'm interning this summer with Meredith...i have gained a lot of knowledge about private practice and what it is like to be an RD...Meredith has also given me the opportunity to do some nutrition writing...and that has been a total blast...i've written a piece or two for her monthly news letter that she sends out to lots and lots of people...and...this is the best...i got to write an article for Austin Runner magazine...and it just came out in this issue...for me this is very exciting...i am getting to write (something i love to do) about something i am really passionate about (nutrition)...and i am really excited that it makes me happy...what all this really means is...i have finally...finally...figured out that i am moving in the right direction by going back to school...and choosing the path of the dietitian...i love this stuff...and am totally jazzed to see it all happen :D wee!

1 comment:

etg said...

yay! so happy for you! what a gift you are going to be to the nutrition world!