Thursday, January 29, 2009

night and day

tuesday i went for my usual morning swim but had to call it quits early...also swam down a lane due to overcrowding in my usual lane...most of the 7 people in that lane were training for CdA so i let them be there and moved down to a T1 lane...with 3 others...i think i had a better swim from what i could tell...nothing spectacular...but i was able to swim and it seemed like they were struggling with overcrowding there...any hoo--had to leave early for a 7.15am appointment with dr. sellers...

and wow...what an appointment...we figured out that what has been causing my problems is not my knee at all it is my hip...and lack of strength in the flexing muscles in the hip...this trickles down to all the other muscles compensating...and boom...tight in the connections to the bones...causing knee pain...he did a bunch of work on my hip and some adjustments...and gave me a PT band to put around my feet...i have to walk like a penguin sideways 20 steps each way...this builds strength...

so i was feeling good all day after that so i decided i would hit up spin class...and core pain at all...

and i did core class wednesday morning...still no pain...and the most amazing part...wait for it...

wednesday evening track workout...NO PAIN!!! yes....actually completed the whole workout without a pain at all in that knee/leg...i am a happy girl...and as coach logan's like night and day...amazing


etg said...

no pain...and fast...and helping to make others (yours truly) faster. yeah, Jess, what good news all around!

Amy said...



Awesome news!!