Wednesday, February 25, 2009


i know i've been bad updating daily...but really i'm getting here to get my thoughts down when ever i have a spare moment...which i'm sorry to say is not that often...

but i wanted to just comment that i'm feelin' smooth this there is not a whole lot going on outside of what i need to be there seems to be less chaos...and a bit of room to breathe...but don't go throwing something in the spokes here...or it all just goes nuts...

i'm taking advantage of the smooth while i can...getting in a lot of workouts...actually doing all of my PT...getting a lot of studying done...and actually occasionally cleaning something...j might disagree but hey...i'm trying :D

so now i have to study up on the common ions i promptly forgot when i walked out of my CH304 final last semester...that i need to know for my lab quiz be back soon i hope

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