Tuesday, April 22, 2008

crazy 8

morning gym time...not too busy but the one trainer guy was always getting in my way...oh well...always had one more set to do...so i just added more ab work between...generally good workout...~50 minutes...

worked on and finished my last nutrition lab for the semester...our final is wednesday...so i started studying for that too...re-reading all the old labs...trying to figure out what the heck is going to be covered...then a little prep for dinner...

and off to running...we did hills again...but this time it was a double loop crazy 8 thing..strong on the east west sections...recover on the north south sections...x4...it was very humid out there today...the first really humid day that i can recall...i am going to need to get used to those days...and remember to drink lots of water...and not forget to take electrolytes too.

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