Wednesday, October 29, 2008

squats and steamy water

it was cold! in the morning...well at least for texas it was i bundled up...with hat and fleece lined hoodie and headed over to lost creek to swim...not a whole lot of people there...but there were people...standing around on the pool deck thinking about getting in was much worse than the actual getting...the water was steamy warm...had a pretty good workout...not the best swim ever...but not the worst either...just plugged along...trying not to fall too far behind on the pull sets...i really need to get better on the pulling...getting out was hard...i quickly put my hat and socks on the lessen the shock...but i really didn't warm up until the super hot shower when i got home...

oatmeal for breakfast to try and warm-up on the inside...and a round of not so hard chem homework...a 10 problem set due friday...we are starting a section on galvanic cells and electro chemistry...interesting...i really liked thermodynamics from last semester and this ties in i am hoping that i am going to understand this stuff...

off to class...the girl that usually sits next to me...was not there...she told me before the last test that if she didn't do well she was out....hrm...i wonder what she will do...worked out some half reactions and construction of the cells and some keeping track of electrons...and working on which reaction is on the anode side and which the cathode...not too bad...

stuck around for office hours...just for a little the rest of my homework done...and listened to some other people ask questions...sometimes this is very helpful...i asked him about some test taking strategies...he asked why i think i ran out of time...i said well the first time i knew what time it was (after the fire alarm) i had to ask the TA to write the time up and it was yeah...i didn't realize that i had spent that much time on the first half of the rolled his eyes...and said "i'm going to have a talk with those TAs"...we also told him all the other issues that happened that scratch paper...ran out of exams...ran out of equation sheets...just a lot of weird seemed annoyed by this...not that we were telling him this...but that the TAs were not doing their jobs...

home to make enchiladas...then off to bike practice...core before...then a good chain and tuned up bike feel really good...i'm able to get a lot more power...and that feels awesome...we did a 15, 12, 9, 6, 3 minute set workout....between each set we did one leg drills and squats...get off the bike and do squats...yikes!...good workout all in all...

and the enchiladas were delicious!

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