Friday, March 21, 2008

beautiful thursday

up and off to the gym in the dark...solid 45minutes of weights...almost time to up them at least on a few exercises...

to school to learn some gas laws...Charles' and Avogadro's...some stuff about volume and temperature and pressure relationships...a bit about some of our favorite water soluble vitamins including but not limited to choline, B12 and C...

home just after 3.15 and noticed my bike tire was flat again...hmm...did i change the flat wrong?...a quick e-mail to my all things tri guru teambaraka...and she assured me that it was the fault of the CO2 and not my skills at flat changing...(don't laugh...i'm still very new at all this) air in the tires and out the door before 4 for a beautiful afternoon ride...

did the backwards marathon course i did before...there was more traffic as it is not spring break but not bad...there are a bunch of bike lanes for me to hang out in...missed a turn for duval because i was just following the marathon is still that familiar...but i knew where i was going so back to duval after a bit of traffic...18.53 mile 1h 10m

things i need to work on...balance while be able to signal properly with my left hand...i seem to have little control of the bike with just my right hand...and i think i need a seat with a of those women's specific ones...i think.

all in all a good ride on a totally beautiful afternoon...


Mark said...

I have a seat you're welcome to try. It is a Blackwell seat, with a split, it looks very much like this one:
although I don't know that that is the exact model I have (I can't find/see a model name on the seat).

Jess said...

oh awesome...i might have to take you up on that offer :) i'll let you know thanks!