Monday, June 6, 2011

Food Stamps Day 1

Today starts five days of living on the amount of money one person gets in food stamps...$4.38 per day $21.90 for the five days. As students of nutrition we are striving to see if nutritional adequacy can be met on this amount of money. I have to say that my grocery cart yesterday (in preparation for the week) contained very few fresh fruits and veggies....we shall see how this goes...

one tibit i wanted to share a 6 pack of ramen is $0.89....6 packs for 89 cents...WTF....don't worry i left them right where they don't even want to know the sodium content...yikes

Breakfast: 3/4 cup oatmeal, 4 oz unsweetened almond milk, 1 Tbs peanut butter, 1 banana = $0.59


Amy said...

I hope you blog the whole experience. I'm very interested. Frozen fruits & veggies?

Amy said...

I was just about to comment that I hoped you'd blog the whole experience, then I came here and a me already said it!