Thursday, October 16, 2008


yes that is right...38 days until IMAZ...i have not been counting...but it is hard, every time i go to a workout i get reminded...and i'm getting the are you ready questions too!...sure i'm ready for the race but i'm not ready for the questions yet...i need a little more time to mentally does not afford me much time to work on my mental's not that i haven't been working on that for the last 6 months but i just feel i could always work on the mental game...always....

wendesday core was hard!....but good...we did a lot of aerobic stuff between core exercises...high knees drill in place...mountain climbers etc...kept the heart rate up....and got me going...totally dug it...

did a little preparation for my midterm and some review for several of my other classes...i like doing this occasionally just to make sure i am remembering what i have been learning...i have two exams next week so it's going to be a lot of studies for that and not much time for review over the weekend...classes were good...midterm was fine...the second essay felt a little rushed...because it was...i started on it with only 15 minutes left to go in the class...we will see...

and when i got home i didn't do homework for a change...i started working on my schedule for next semester...i can't believe that it's time to register already...yikes...

run workout was very sparsely attended...i guess due to the threat of rain that didn't materialize in the had been raining on and off all day....which was a great relief for everyone...started under the bridge and jogged about a mile warm up and met on lou neff road...did mile repeats...with me...the only long distance person out there not in taper mode...doing 5 repeats at 5k pace... 7.21, 7.23, 7.21, 7.25, not really a negative split...but i was able to maintain a pretty good pace through the set...and i was working hard...

home to eat and chill for a bit then off to a good girl...

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