Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Last Semester of Classes

Today was the first day of my last semester of classes...I'm taking five....government (yeah required okay), nutrition research/writing, medical nutrition therapy II, advanced food systems management, and my first clinical/practical course that involves a 3 hour a week shift in a hospital learning the ins and outs of being a hospital dietitian...three classes today two tomorrow...and so far so good...

i am already thinking of my topic for my writing class...i'm hoping that my prof is cool with me doing something sports related...i think so since her masters was in exercise phys. so that is a good start...i actually have been trying to decide on a topic for this paper for the whole summer...and i think i have it nailed...we shall see..

so far only one conflict with my travels for MCM on 10.31...i have an exam on 11.1 that i will be missing...hoping i can work it out...if not all it means is that i will be taking the comprehensive final at the end of the big thing...but i like to avoid finals as much as i can...

keeping my internship at whole foods for about 10 hours a week through this semester as well...i think all in all i am going to be busy...which i like..but i am also going to have time to kick some school butt...and hopefully pull off another semester of university honors....

it's hard to believe that i am starting my last semester of classes...and i will be and RD in less than 11 months...werd...bring it on UT...i'm ready to kick it through the home stretch...


Mark said...

Busy girl! Oo, "hospital dietitian" when you learn it, please, please share the science behind hospital-food mystery meat and mystery tubers ;-)

Rockin Austin said...

Enjoy the last semester of school!! I think it's amazing how you juggle everything. :)