Sunday, December 21, 2008

saturday...the new friday... least in my world for a little while...saturday is my off day from working out...and thus my day to go the grocery stuff around the house etc...i was tempted yesterday to go for the ride since it was 70's warm and it is a ride that i really like...out to the gas station in Kyle...but i hadn't slept in all week...and well it was about time...

had a nice morning...then to whole foods...then home...then a much needed chat with sis-in-law...then j got the farm beets...three small cabbages...other lovely winter greens like arugula...some citrus...

i made apples sauce and roasted two turkey legs for the dinner i was the dish all put together and into the oven...cooked some collard greens...yum...and dinner was ready...sat down with j and started a movie...then boom!...and the power was out...yikes...from the sound of it a transformer blew somewhere very we finished eating in the dark...lit some candles, cleaned up and decided to turn in pretty early since we figure things were not going to get back on until late...

woke up about 1.30am to the sounds of our cat brownie throwing up...if you have ever had a cat you know that this is a very yucky we were on watch to see how she was doing...tried to get some sleep...but decided to take her to the emergency vet at about 2.45...she was not her self and needed something to make her feel a said to j as we were waiting for the dr...i'm glad that i run so much because i would have never known about this place had i not done a thousand runs past it during IM training...they were very nice there...and it turned out that she had a fever and was very uncomfortable...per dr's recommendation she was put into the kitty hospital overnight with IV fluids, some anti-nausea medicine and some pain meds too...dr called this morning around 6 to let us know that her fever had come down really well and that all of her x-rays and blood work looked now we just need to make sure that she is getting something to eat...and hopefully some other normal functions as well...

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