Thursday, July 31, 2008

holy core!

decided to see what all the hub-bub was about and go to the core/strength workout led by coach pain aka chrissie wednesday morning...there were four stations set up with steps, bands, balls, medicine balls...we rotated around to each one for the hour doing different exercises at each station for 30 intervals with 10 seconds rest between...we went through each station 4 times switching up the exercise each time...yeah...that was fun...and i seem to have found some muscles that i didn't know i had...

spent the rest of the day cooking, making bread and getting a meal together for our friends matt and betsy who were bringing their new baby home from the hospital...i figure it's the thing that i know how to do when it comes to and dad are not going to want to cook but want to that i can help with... :)

run workout in the pm...started with warm-up and drills then we did something a little different...and fun...speed work...but more like fun than repeats...running two laps on one lap off for a total of 6 with a lap alone one with partner one rest while partner runs...all at what was supposed to be 10k or better pace...but i ran a bit faster than that that was fun...then we were in groups of three...two folks at one at the opposite end of the was run pretty much as fast as you can to the other member of your team for a half lap then rest until the other member comes back around...for a total of two full and fun :)

had orange/rosemary roasted chicken with salad and potatoes for really hit the spot after that...watched an episode of the wire...and was off to bed...

1 comment:

Erin said...

you were rocking the track girl. seriously, i try to just keep you in site. thanks for keeping me honest out there. :)