Thursday, December 20, 2007


so i am trying to figure out the psychological effects or affects (i never remember which to use) of a recovery week...okay let me restate that...there are psychological things that take place during a recovery week....i am trying to get my head around why...with my extensive psych study in college (psy 101) i am sure that i have none of the answers...

my body knows that it needs this recovery to heal all of the little bits of muscle that i have been building over the last weeks of high mind is saying to my body you deserve a week of lower miles, a change of pace to get geared up for the final push...but then there is the self esteem and the mood and the eating habits and the mood and the sleep and did i mention the mood? what is really happening...

the things that i am thinking are the miles are lower this week but my eating is the then i am saying okay i should not be eating that cookie because i am only running 12 miles...but i want to eat the cookie so i do...then i feel bad...that makes me cranky...weird sleeping this week too...not sleeping through the night and wondering if that is because i am not exerting the same amount of energy that i was the week before...then i am tossing at does not help that my (crack head??) neighbor and his girlfriend are fighting then (i don't think that the f-word could be used more frequently in a 10 minute span) i wake up still a bit tired and that makes me cranky...and then i am cranky all day :P

so i really have no idea if it just the slight cut in the miles that is making me feel whacked out or if i would be feeling this way this week even if i wasn't training for a i know that i should just be enjoying my recovery and i'll shut up...and go run my measly 30 minutes...and love every second of it.

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