the goal was to run a 1.53.44...secretly i wanted to beat this time...but i had no idea how i was going to feel keeping up an 8.40ish pace for 13.1 miles...this was the first time we were "allowed" to race...i have been training since September and had no idea what race pace was going to feel like since all of our long runs were nice and easy there was the source of my nervousness...and the decision to "run your own race" (i like this mantra it's new too)
the gang and i had driven the course yesterday so i was ready...i knew what to expect and that felt good when the gun went off...just knowing where that first mile marker was going to be...and being able to just run..."just run" i told myself that first mile...just run look at watch at mile one...assess again...i hit my pace time out of the gate...and just hung with was feeling good...really good...just running
hit a few more mile markers and was still hitting my time (this training has done wonders for pacing) and decided to let my watch run...i knew how the pace felt in my body and in my i went with it...and the miles just clicked off...i missed a mile marker or two...i really wasn't looking i had a rough idea of where to pick it up...then we hit the turn on Duval....oh yeah "close the deal"...and i picked it up...then i hit campus and gave my self a "dig deep"...then i saw the clock above the finish line (it was under 1.50 :0) so i moved it a little more...heard a big "go Jess" from a group of Rogue coaches...and crossed the finish line with my hands in the air and a huge smile on my was right i totally surprised myself-thanks for that one.
F 25-29 | Kolko, Jess | 599 | 1:52:04 | 1:48:58 | 8:19/M | 54:12 | 8:28/M | 54:45 | 8:10/M |